
Microservice monitoring tool based on Varnish-Cache. Currently it only supports Varnish 4. Zipnish piggybacks the VSL and stores a bunch of data in a similar way as Zipkin does.

There is a log-reader component responsible for fetching data from VSL and having it stored into a MySql database, furthermore there is an available UI that will display in a hierachical manner all requests going through varnish to your services. Both of these components share the same MySql instance.


Following packages are required for running Zipnish:

  • simplemysql
  • flask
  • sqlalchemy
  • flask_sqlalchemy
  • mysql-python


Install with pip:

$ sudo pip install zipnish


A configuration file found at /etc/zipnish/zipnish.cfg is required with a structure as described below:

# Db settings for the MySql connection.

# MySql host
host =

# Database name
db_name = microservice

# User name
user = zipnish

# Password
pass = secret

# Connection keep-alive
keep_alive = true

# Defines which cache to fetch logs from.
# Name of the cache (same value sent via the -n argument)
# name = demo

# Path to the daemon logfile.
log_file = /var/log/zipnish/zipnish.log

# Valid log_levels are: DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR
log_level = DEBUG

For convenience purposes, there is a docker image available which handles setting up Mariadb database along with a test user.

Run Zipnish

Considering that your Varnish instance is properly configured in relation to your services, after installing Zipnish there are two commands available:

Run the logreader:

$ zipnish-logreader

Run the ui (by default port 5000):

$ zipnish-ui
